Meet Our Team

Corey Seulean

Pastor Corey Seulean was born July 5, 1969.  He was saved on June 14, 1980 at Grace Baptist Church in Anderson, Indiana.  His family moved to Napa, California in 1982 and started attending Hopewell Baptist Church pastored at the time by Jim Guzman.  Mike Ray came to Napa in 1986 and Pastor Seulean surrendered to the call to preach under his ministry.  Pastor Seulean went to Hyles-Anderson in 1988 and graduated in 1991.  He met his wife Pam at college and they married May 30, 1992.  They have 5 boys- David, Joseph, Stephen, Benjamin and Jack. 

Pastor Seulean started Hopewell Baptist Church of Longmont, Colorado September 18, 1994.  HBC has seen more than 35,000 saved these 25 years with more than 9,000 public professions of faith and more than 4,600 people baptized.  HBC is averaging around 150 over the last decade for weekly attendance with a high day of 408.  Pastor Seulean has gone soul winning everyday since 3/25/2006 and has seen at least 1 person pray to receive Christ as Saviour each of those days.  He has authored 2 books entitled HOW TO WIN A SOUL TO CHRIST and THE WILL OF GOD as well as a booklet entitled DAILY SOUL WINNING & SEVEN PILLARS OF THE CHURCH.  These are currently used in many churches and a few colleges in training soul winners.

Assistant Pastor-Discipleship/Outreach/Missions
David Adkins


Spanish Pastor
Carlos Hernández